Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pray for Steven Curtis Chapman and Family

Click here to read the story.

I actually had the opportunity to meet Steven Curtis Chapman and his family several years ago at a concert with Casting Crowns and Chris Tomlin. I had been asked to be a runner for the concert and that consisted of picking up the singers from the Hyatt and driving them to the arena and driving them anywhere else they needed to go while in town for the concert. I got to hang out backstage all day long with these folks (from 8:00 a.m. until almost midnight). They were all very nice folks and I was invited to go into their dressing rooms and hang out as well as eat lunch and dinner with them. I watched the concert from right behind one of the large speakers on the stage. It was very cool! I even got to take the members of Casting Crowns to the airport to a private jet. I walked out onto the tarmac with them and had prayer with them before they boarded the jet.

As far as Steven Curtis Chapman and his family, they were all there that day and it was apparent that they were all very close to one another. I remember observing the family being very loving toward one another and praying for their food at lunch and dinner. It was neat to see how they all interacted with one another. I even remember seeing one of the oldest boys playing with his young adopted sisters and carrying them through the halls backstage. They each had their own scooters and would ride them up and down the halls. Even SCC got on the scooter once! I don't want to make it sound like I know them, but when you are a part of the family of God, you just find that unique connection with other Christians that can't be explained.

Nonetheless, this family definitely needs our prayers right now. I can't imagine what they are going through, especially the teenage son that was driving the car. He especially needs our prayers. Take a moment right now to ask for God's peace and strength to be with this family and help them to weather through this unexplainable storm. Also, take the time to thank God for all of his blessings in your own life.


Terry Johnson said...

This family will definitely be in my prayers!

Mommy Jess said...

I heard about that on the radio yesterday. Truly devastating. --J.