However, I have had a major problem with installing the plumbing for the new faucets. You might have noticed that I entitled this post "P Trap Frustrations". What in the world is a "P Trap"? That's what some of you might be saying and that's what I was saying a week ago. A "P Trap" is the PVC piping that connects the drain pipe coming down from the sink to the sewage pipe going into your wall underneath your cabinets.

It's a pretty nifty setup. It keeps the gas smell from the sewer from coming into your home and stinking up your house. Anyway, I had to install new "P Traps" with each new faucet. Well, 3 out of the 4 are leaking. I spent 6 unsuccessful hours last Friday trying to figure out how to stop the leaks. So, I had to call my friend Brian, who happens to be a Jack of All Trades, on Saturday to help out. He spent an hour on them and they had all stopped leaking (or so we thought). Sunday morning before I left for church, I realized that the 3 began leaking again. To say the least, I am very frustrated and am ready to go Rambo in my bathrooms and throw a stick of dynamite underneath my brand new coutnertops and blow up the "P Traps" and everything else around them. Any suggestions on these leaks will be greatly appreciated! In fact, you are more than welcome to come on over and FIX THEM ALL!
mkugeAnd if that doesn't work- call Brian again.
You need to update your blog.-M
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