Monday, February 4, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

This past Friday, Megan and I chaperoned Ryan's class to The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it! I guess it reminded me of being a kid and just being awe struck at what the performers were doing with their individual talents. Nothing's changed. At 35, I was still awe struck at what these performers were able to do. It was amazing to watch! It was also quite nerve racking! I think the aerialist make me the most nervous. Not the trapeze artist (because they perform with a net), but the girls that perform in the set of rings high above the ground, the high wire motorcycle guy that thinks it's cool to stand on top of the seat at the highest point of the arena and start spinning around and upside down while a girl is hanging onto a bar on the other side of the bike, and this one guy that was walking upside down on the arena ceiling with his feet going in and out of these small loops. They all do this with no net! I think I would actually enjoy the show more if they used nets. Anytime the aerialist were performing, my palms just became soaking wet with sweat! I'm not kidding! I almost felt sick in my stomach while watching them, but for some reason I still could not take my eyes off of their performance. Anyway, I really did enjoy the show and have since become interested in the circus life! I have Googled the circus several times this weekend just trying to find out more about the history of it and anything else that I can find out about it. No, I am not going to go off and join the circus (keep your jokes to yourself), but the life that these folks lead and that talent that they have just simply amazes me!

So, since I have been to the circus twice this weekend (I took Tyler on Sunday because I liked it so much the first time), I have gone through this self-evaluation and asked myself - What are my talents and what am I doing with them? Most importantly, am I using them to glorify God? I would ask the same of you. What are your talents and are you using them to glorify God?

One more last thing about The Greatest Show on Earth. The Ringling Brothers might have the market on that for now, but one day, when Christ returns for His church, that will be The Greatest Show on Earth! I hope that you are not just watching it, but that each of you are actually a part of it!

1 comment:

Terry Johnson said...

Amen, Brother! I'm looking forward to seeing him descend from Heaven with a shout.

Another great entry.