Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Actually - A word that Tyler and Ryan use quite often. It is hilarious.

A.D. - My Dad's name. That's it. They're initials that don't stand for anything! So we just call him D!

Adam Sandler - One of the funniest actors there is.

Airplanes - I hate taking off, but I LOVE LANDING! There's nothing like seeing the runway just under the plane! Whew! Thank God!

Alabama - I was born in Birmingham, Alabama.

Alabama Football - Near and dear to my heart! ROLL TIDE ROLL!

Alaska - I would love to take an Alaskan cruise someday!

Alligators - Alligators are awnry 'cause they can't brush their teeth.

Allman Brothers - One of my favorite bands!

Apple pie - My nephew Drew loves apple pie. He is also moving to Hawaii tomorrow. Yes, I'm

Aquatic Engineer - Bobby Boucher! I'm the wa-wa-wa-waterboy!

Art - I use to take art classes downtown at the art museum as a little boy and was "actually" quite good at it. I should have stuck with it! Now, I'm a systems anaylyst, yeah!


Terry Johnson said...

I was going to say that A is for Auburn - but then I remembered not to use profanity on this page.

All kidding aside - A is for the Almighty!!

Anonymous said...

Ain't profanity-- it is the truth!

A is for AUBURN-- who beat Alabama!


Chris said...

Was that you SW writing filth on my blog? Fess up! Don't be anonymous! I am praying for you! ROLL TIDE ROLL!