Monday, January 21, 2008

Under Construction

OK, so here I am about to blog for the very first time. Why? I really have no idea. I know a couple of people who blog and I do admit to reading their blogs quite often. I don't really understand why they do it. So, I guess in a way, that is why I am blogging now [to see what it's all about]. This blog may last a day. It may last a week. It would surprise me if it last for longer than a month. Either way, here it goes .....

First, let me explain why I chose to name by blog "Under Construction". First and foremost, I am "Under Construction" (spiritually speaking). I'm not perfect (I'm close - JK). I definitely started out as a lump of clay. As a teenager and a young adult, I know that God was trying to make something of me for the longest time, but I refused to let him have his way with me. As I get older, I am learning things about God that I was too blind to see when I was younger. I sometimes wonder why it only took Him a week to make the moon and the stars and everything else that we see and are blessed with on this planet, but for some reason, after 35 years, he's still working on me. Thank God that he hasn't quit working on me. Hopefully, one day I will be who he wants me to be and do what he wants me to do. If not here on earth, I know that one day when I face him that I will no longer be "Under Construction". I will be made complete in every way. Until then, I'll do my best to give him what he deserves. I know I won't always succeed at doing that, but that's where you guys come in. Keep me accountable!

Also, there are several other things in my life that are "Under Construction". Let me go ahead and say that being "Under Construction" is not a bad thing. It only means that you are on your way to building a masterpiece just like God does with us. So here they are:

  • My marriage: I have a great marriage, but I want to make sure that I am always working on it! Boo, thanks for your patience! Love ya!
  • My kids: Whose kids aren't "Under Construction"? Hopefully, we do our best to teach them the ways of the Lord and they will grow up to be great Christian men of God that love the Lord with all their heart. That's all that matters!
  • My house: OK, my wife and our best-good friends (props to Forest Gump) think I'm crazy, but I am going to remodel our kitchen, our 2 1/2 baths and our bonus room. I will be sharing photos of the projects so stay tuned. Hopefully, it won't take me as long as it will take B & J to find a lot and build their new house. We'll see.
  • I'm sure there are other things in my life that are "Under Construction" ... like my closet, my drawers, my garage (ugh!), my yard, etc. - the list goes on!

Now for why I chose "Ralphie" as my display name. Let's just say that I had a "You'll shoot your eye out" experience not too long ago. Maybe I'll blog about that one day. Quite embarrassing!

So, I think I have blogged enough for the first day. I can't say that I got this great sensation by doing so, but I will attempt to give this another try on another day. Take care and God bless!


Mommy Jess said...

Very cool! I blog because it is better than keeping a journal and you can add pictures and stuff. I think it will be fun to go back and read 20 years from now to see what was going on. Also, sometimes it helps you work through stuff to be able to write/type it down. I think it is great. I have enough other things to make fun of you for.......

Bama Mimi said...

Guess what, your Mom is still "Under Construction" too! This blog thing might be a good thing. You know I'll read it. After all you are my favorite (according to your sister and brother!!) I might even start blogging (-:........

GamecockFan said...
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Anonymous said...

I'll read your blog just as long as you don't whine on it. J/K Welcome to the blog world

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm not much of a blogger fan for several reasons. One is that I can't read them at work because we block blog sites. The other is that when I'm at home the last place I want to spend time is in front of a computer. But I promise to read yours to see if you get completely built.....

Anonymous said...

I love your comment about "Lost" because my wife and I feel the same as you do about the program. We are "lost" many times after watching the show but can't go a week without watching it. When I'm out of town, which seems to be every week, we call each other to talk about the show.