I found this cool picture of the Lion of Judah on flickr and thought I would share it here. I'll explain why I posted it on here later.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Lion of Judah
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Pray For My Momma!
(By the way, I have no idea who reads this. If you do read this, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail sometime! If you don't have my e-mail address let me know.)
I'll try to keep this short. As some of you may know, my Mom has had a terrible time with her leg. She broke it back in January in the mountains while her and Dad were trying to get away for the weekend. She had a really bad time with the healing process and with her incision closing up. She had to go to the wound clinic to get some help with the healing process. After many, many months, the incision healed, but she still had the bone itself trying to fuse back together and she has been doing physical therapy. She has also been unable to work most of this time. Last week she went to the doctor and found out that she had a staph infection in her leg so the doctor decided he needed to do surgery to remove the metal hardware that was keeping her bones together and clean out the infection with something similar to a pressure washer. The bones appeared to have fused back together nicely so he didn't reinstall new hardware in her leg, but she does have a pretty new incision about 4" long to go with the rest of her incisions. I just ask that you pray for her leg to heal quickly this time and without any bumps in the road. I know she would appreciate your prayers and so would I!
Mom, hang in there! Hopefully, this time will be the trick! Love you!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Up on the Knee Board and Finally in the Water
Anyway, Tyler tried to ski several times (which really surprised me) because he's always been so scared to try before. He did okay for his first time trying. Maybe next time he will try again and actually get up! He did, however, get on the knee board and did great! He went around a good ways on the lake and even made it through several big waves without wiping out! We circled around and let him go by the dock where Megan was swimming. I think she was more scared than he was. It was a very proud moment for us! I only wish that we had pictures of it!
Also, Ryan has never shown any interest in getting into the lake, but this time he finally got in! Granted he had the choke hold on whoever was holding him in the water, but he did get in! He constantly asked me if I was going to keep holding him or let him go. He was very loud about it, but he was very cute, too! I'm sure next year we won't be able to keep him out of the lake! That's the way it was with Tyler, too! Now, Tyler is like a fish!
Oh well, 19 days until our vacation at Myrtle Beach! 47 days until BAMA vs. Clemson!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Blog Remodel
Not much to post right now. Tyler successfully turned 6 on July 4th and we had a pretty good 3 day weekend. I spent most of the 4th putting together Tyler and Ryan's new basketball goal that "Tyler" got for his birthday. Friday night we went down to the neighborhood pool and watched some fireworks. Saturday we had some friends over for a cookout and our kids played while we talked. It was great to get together with them! Sunday we tried a new church. The music and preaching were great, as well as the kids program, but it was just a HUGE church. Sunday afternoon we went and looked at new cars and came home with a brand new '09 Camry XLE. Very sharp car! It has all the bells and whistles! Last night we went to a birthday party at Pump It Up! Tyler and Ryan have a baseball game on Thursday and we are all going to the lake on Friday for the weekend! I won't be able to ski or anything because of my knee, but it will just be nice to be at the lake!
So, now that I've remodeled my blog, I guess it's time to get back to remodeling the house. Yeah, right!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Is it Football Season Yet?

Nope, not yet! However, it will be in 58 days! Although I always anticipate the start of college football, I normally do NOT count down the days. However, this year is different. This year Alabama's game opener is against Clemson. What's the big deal?
Well, as most of you know, I have always been a huge Alabama fan! Also, as most of you know, my wife is a huge Clemson fan and graduate. This presents an interesting situation in my house that has never happened before, at least since we've been together (15 years). They have never played each other since we have been together.
Now, I am first and foremost an Alabama fan, but have always liked Clemson, too. I guess you could say that they are my #2 team. My wife is first and foremost a Clemson fan, but has always liked Alabama, too (at least since we've been together). I guess you could say that Alabama is her #2 team. We are both very passionate about each of our teams! We both get very excited when our teams win and both get very upset when our teams lose.
So, how will August 30th play out? What if Alabama wins? Can I get all excited and be glad that my team wins? Should I celebrate like I do when they win any other game? Will that be like rubbing salt in her wounds? Should I be a humble winner? But, what if Clemson wins? What will she do? Megan, what will you do?
In one way, you could look at this as a win/win situation. We both like both teams playing, but each of us likes one or the other just a little bit more. It could also be a lose/lose situation, because whoever wins will no doubt be very happy and whoever loses will no doubt be very upset!
And what about leading up to August 30th? Will there be any trash talking going on? Well ..... of course there will! That's what we do when we are passionate about college football! So, Megan, and all of you other Clemson fans, don't hate me WHEN Alabama wins! ROLL TIDE ROLL!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Overdue Review
Anyways, I will now attempt to give a brief review of our cruise on the Carnival Liberty.
Our trip really got off to a bad start. We had an early flight out of GSP at 7:30 that was suppose to get us to ATL by 8:30 for our connecting flight to Miami leaving ATL at 9:30, arriving at MIA by 11:30. That gives us plenty of time to get to the ship before it leaves at 4:00 PM. However, that is not at all how it happened. We boarded the plane on time and all appeared as if we were getting ready to leave the gate until the pilot made an announcement that due to heavy air traffic in Atlanta, we would not be taking off for at least 30 minutes. Okay, so we would leave at 8:00 and make up some time in the air. We could still make our 9:30 flight out of ATL. Well, 8:00 rolls around and the pilot makes another announcement that we are still being held from taking off, probably another 30 minutes or so. That puts us taking off at 8:30. Now I am starting to freak out! What if we don't make our 9:30 flight now? Are there other flights going to MIA with empty seats that will get us to the pier in time? Finally, we take off around 8:45 and land in ATL at 9:15. We have 15 minutes before our next flight and I think we might have a chance of making that flight, but the pilot drives the plane to the wrong concourse and so we don't get to the right gate until right at 9:30. By the time we get off the plane we find out that our 9:30 flight had already left the gate. I'm really panicking right now! Anyway, to make this very long story short, we were rebooked on a 10:30 flight that got us into MIA a little after 12:30. We got on the ship in time and that is all that matters. Bottom line is I don't deal well with someone else being in control! Next time, we will either fly down the day before or leave out of Charlotte where it is a non-stop flight to MIA.
Embarkation on the ship was a little disappointing, too. We checked in at the desk in a timely manner, but there were so many passengers waiting to get on that we had to sit in this large area waiting for them to call our zone number before we could actually get on the ship. We probably waited somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour. That's not long really, but the last cruise we went on with Princess the embarkation was a breeze. We checked in at the desk and got on the ship immediately.
Our cabins were acceptable, I guess. They were slightly larger than what we've had before, but our balcony was also slightly smaller than what we've had before. Nonetheless, we weren't too concerned with the room because on a cruise you really don't spend that much time in the room. We did enjoy the balcony, though. It is very nice to have when coming into a new port or leaving a port. It is also nice to go out on the balcony first thing in the morning and late at night while traveling at sea. I highly recommend a balcony room!
I thought that the food on the ship was pretty good. I usually don't have many complaints in this area. I won't go into what all I ate because half the time I was ordering stuff that I either couldn't pronounce or really wasn't sure what it was exactly. I didn't have a single complaint about the food in the formal dining room. Our head waiter, Calvin, was extremely nice and accommodating as well. I I did have a very delicious fillet mignon one night at Harry's Supper Club, but I don't think that I would pay the extra money to eat there again. It was a flat $30 per person to eat there (which wasn't bad), but everything about it just seemed a bit eccentric to me. The food at the buffet/grill was just okay, but the food at any buffet is usually just okay.
The decor of the ship was slightly better than your average Carnival ship, but there didn't seem to be any consistent design going on. Everything just seemed a bit mixed match in some areas of the ship, but in other areas things were very nice. I think the overall decor of the ship was just a little too gaudy and at times it really took away from what could have been a nicer decor had they just stopped adding stuff.
I was a little disappointed in the entertainment that the ship had to offer. I actually fell asleep during one of the "Las Vegas" style shows. There didn't seem to be enough variety and the times and locations of some of the activities just didn't seem like they were very well thought through. I also think that the cruise director was not as funny as he thought he was. I did enjoy the comedic hypnotist, but I was (and still am) very skeptical of his hypnotic abilities. We ran into several people who he "allegedly hypnotized" and they weren't very convincing after we asked them several questions about their experience. Karaoke was also FUN! That's all I'll say about that!
We stayed on the ship with about 300 other people in the Bahamas while the rest of the 2700 others chose to get off on tender boats and go to the island. This was a great decision as we had almost the entire Lido deck to ourselves. The water slide was also a lot of fun that day! We also stopped in St. Thomas which is one of my favorite places. I love the port their and the scenery is just amazing. I got some brownie points with Megan by buying her some bling in one of the many jewelry shops there. We also went the Magen's Bay and spent the afternoon at the beach there. Magen's Bay is touted as one of the top 10 beaches of the world. Very nice! San Juan was just okay. Didn't care too much for the shopping there so Megan and I decided to do a tour of one of the forts there. It was very interesting as I enjoy things like that, but it was a huge fort and involved a lot of walking in the hot sun, but that's the Caribbean for you! We chose just to make Grand Turk a beach day which was a very relaxing day. We had lunch at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville Restaurant and then just laid out on the beach the rest of the afternoon.
Disembarkation from the ship was much better than embarkation. We chose to do the self assist and left the ship right after breakfast. We were off the ship and at the airport by 8:30 in the morning. The only bad part about that was that our flight didn't leave MIA until 1:15 PM. So we had a lot of wait time that morning. That's where an MP3 player and Sudoku came in handy!
The flights home were uneventful and on time and the excitement of seeing our kids again at this point had us both very anxious. We had a lot of fun and needed time away, but we missed our kids very much! When we saw them at the airport it was one of those "BIG" moments for us! To have them run to us and jump in our arms and give us such BIG hugs was great and a moment I'll never forget!
Overall, the trip was great and we did have a lot of fun! Were there things about it that we would change or that we wished had been different? Of course, but overall the cruise served its purpose for us!
Now, we are looking forward to going to the beach for a week in August. This will be the first vacation that we have taken where it will be just the four of us (Me, Megan, Tyler and Ryan). We love our families (and friends) and have gone on lots of vacations with them, but this will be a very special trip for us!