Monday, March 31, 2008
Kudos to Tyler - No FISH
Torn Medial Meniscus

So, I have a torn medial meniscus! I actually found out that I had it 2 years ago when I had an MRI. The doc then said we should not do anything to it to see if it might heal on it's own. All seemed to be well, but about 2 months ago my knee started to hurt again after playing basketball. Went to the doc about a week ago and had another MRI. It showed that the tear had actually more than doubled in size and he recommended that I undergo surgery. He'll actually just go in (arthroscopically) and remove the part that is torn. He said I'd be out anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks (he was hoping for 2 weeks b/c I am in fairly good shape). I'll also undergo therapy for a few weeks (physical therapy that is). I'm shooting to be back at work within two weeks (if not after the first week). I will update you more as the time nears and give you post-op updates. Surgery is April 15th. It seems like a fairly easy surgery and I'm sure everything will go just fine, but any prayers are appreciated! I'm sure Ryan will be praying for my surgery b/c he prays for everyone's surgeries .... even if they didn't have one! It just seems fitting though, in the past year or so:
My mom had a knee replacement.
My mother-in-law had a knee replacement.
My dad had a knee replacement.
My wife had some female surgery.
My mom fell and broke her leg (the same leg she had her knee replacement on).
My brother had shoulder surgery.
A friend of ours (JF) had surgery.
And now my knee surgery.
Even though a few of these surgeries took place a little over a year ago, Ryan still prays for them every night. If he prays for me half as much as he has prayed for the others, I should be alright!
Friday, March 28, 2008
2 New Features
I'm sure you've noticed that I've added a countdown widget to this blog. Due to the overwhelming excitement that I have about going on my 6th cruise this summer, I thought I would share it with you!
I've also added my very first playlist to the right. Feel free to click on the PLAY button and listen to some music while you read. Right now, there are about 46 songs on the playlist, so if you just want to hang out and listen to music, that's fine, too! If you don't like the song that's playing, just press the forward button (>>) and it'll go to the next song; however, sometimes it will just make you listen to whatever is playing. Enjoy!
Also, we had a great time at Miyabi's last night. However, Ryan talked non-stop the entire time! The chef just kept shaking his head in disbelief at how much Ryan was talking.
What's he doing?
What's wrong with that chicken?
Why isn't it cooked yet?
What's that brown stuff (soy sauce)?
Where's my soup?
Where's my salad?
What's that green stuff (brocolli)? I don't want any trees!
Why did he make that rice look like Sponge Bob?
Why is he cutting Sponge Bog into squares?
On and on and on and on and on and on .....................
Lots of questions from a very inquisitive little boy! Nonetheless, we did have fun and both the boys were very brave when the chef lit the grill on fire.
I've also added my very first playlist to the right. Feel free to click on the PLAY button and listen to some music while you read. Right now, there are about 46 songs on the playlist, so if you just want to hang out and listen to music, that's fine, too! If you don't like the song that's playing, just press the forward button (>>) and it'll go to the next song; however, sometimes it will just make you listen to whatever is playing. Enjoy!
Also, we had a great time at Miyabi's last night. However, Ryan talked non-stop the entire time! The chef just kept shaking his head in disbelief at how much Ryan was talking.
What's he doing?
What's wrong with that chicken?
Why isn't it cooked yet?
What's that brown stuff (soy sauce)?
Where's my soup?
Where's my salad?
What's that green stuff (brocolli)? I don't want any trees!
Why did he make that rice look like Sponge Bob?
Why is he cutting Sponge Bog into squares?
On and on and on and on and on and on .....................
Lots of questions from a very inquisitive little boy! Nonetheless, we did have fun and both the boys were very brave when the chef lit the grill on fire.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Ryan!
My youngest turns 4 today! The good news is that maybe we will turn the corner with his 3 yr. old attitude. The kid is stubborn! He does what he wants, when he wants, where he wants and how he wants. He looks like me, but acts like his mom!!! The bad news is that he is growing up!
I'm not sure if I'm ready for that! :(
We actually had his birthday party this past Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese (the place where his mom and I met and fell in love). Surprisingly, the birthday party was a pleasant experience. There was only one other party there at the same time so there weren't 200 kids running around. The only negative is when Chuck E. Cheese came out to sing Happy Birthday. Ryan bolted under the table and would not come out until Chuck E. left. I don't know what was wrong with him. We went to Disney World a year and half ago and Ryan didn't have any problems with the characters there. I guess because that is the "Happiest Place On Earth" (I can't wait to go back!).
I'm not sure if I'm ready for that! :(
We actually had his birthday party this past Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese (the place where his mom and I met and fell in love). Surprisingly, the birthday party was a pleasant experience. There was only one other party there at the same time so there weren't 200 kids running around. The only negative is when Chuck E. Cheese came out to sing Happy Birthday. Ryan bolted under the table and would not come out until Chuck E. left. I don't know what was wrong with him. We went to Disney World a year and half ago and Ryan didn't have any problems with the characters there. I guess because that is the "Happiest Place On Earth" (I can't wait to go back!).
Tonight, we are taking Tyler and Ryan, my parents and Megan's parents out to eat at Myabi's Japanese Steakhouse for Ryan's birthday. We have been there several times with the kids and every time we go they hide when the chef makes the grill burst into flames. I guess that is a good sign that they are scared of fire. At least they know to stay away from it! I guess we know that our kids aren't anywhere near like Beavis and Butthead. That's good to know! Hopefully tonight, we will have a pleasant experience and fun will be had by all.
Although you frustrate me 99% of the time, it's that 1% of sweetness that has got me hooked! It's that hug around my neck! It's when you tell me you love me! It's that cute little smile! It's those big blue eyes! It's when I tuck you in at night and I tell you "Good night, sweet dreams, I love you!" (it has to be exactly in that order, too). It's when you pray at bedtime for everyone that is sick or has had surgery (currently, my family has been plagued with surgery, but Ryan is solid in praying for each of them, even if the surgery was over a year ago!). In fact, he prayed for Tyler's surgery the other night just because he was sick! I guess he thinks if you're sick, you must have had some type of surgery! Very cute!
Anyways, Ryan, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bloggin' Ain't Easy
Shortly after my last blog, I had really decided not to blog anymore. I didn't feel like I really had anything to offer and I still feel that way, but nonetheless, here I am again and will try to give this one more shot! It's not that I don't enjoy blogging because I think that I really do. It's trying to find the time to blog. So, here's my second wind! I know that there has got to be at least a few people out there who check my blog and are interested in what's going on my life and for whatever reason, my brain. Some people read my blog simply to stay in touch and I appreciate that. To be honest with you, I have no idea who reads this blog. I know that my wife, Megan, and my friend Jessica read it from time to time, but other than that, I just don't know. If you do read it, please feel free to leave a reply every now and then.
Tell me that I'm right or tell me that I'm wrong!
Tell me that I made you laugh or I made you cry!
Tell me that you sympathize with me or tell me that I should get over it!
Tell me that I'm a dork or tell me that I'm the man!
Tell me something!
That will at least let me know that someone is reading it and that I should continue blogging.
To be honest with you, I think that we all blog everyday in our thought life. I know that I am always thinking about what is going on in my life and how certain events relate to me and my family. I am always trying to figure out what God is trying to teach me through different circumstances and how I am suppose to be living out loud for Him. The task at hand is taking those thoughts and putting them here, not necessarily for my thoughts to be exposed to everyone because some thoughts are meant to be private, but to help me learn from what's going on in my life and to share those special moments in life with family and friends.
Bloggin' ain't easy, but here I go again!
Tell me that I'm right or tell me that I'm wrong!
Tell me that I made you laugh or I made you cry!
Tell me that you sympathize with me or tell me that I should get over it!
Tell me that I'm a dork or tell me that I'm the man!
Tell me something!
That will at least let me know that someone is reading it and that I should continue blogging.
To be honest with you, I think that we all blog everyday in our thought life. I know that I am always thinking about what is going on in my life and how certain events relate to me and my family. I am always trying to figure out what God is trying to teach me through different circumstances and how I am suppose to be living out loud for Him. The task at hand is taking those thoughts and putting them here, not necessarily for my thoughts to be exposed to everyone because some thoughts are meant to be private, but to help me learn from what's going on in my life and to share those special moments in life with family and friends.
Bloggin' ain't easy, but here I go again!
Monday, March 3, 2008
1/2 Bath Before and After Pictures
Well, I did finish the 1/2 bath last weekend, but haven't really got around to posting the pictures until now. Nonetheless, here are the before and after pictures. Hope you enjoy! I am sure glad to have it complete!
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